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My Neighbor’s Dog Bit me! How can I Sue?

Dog owners can be sued if their dog bite or attack other people and even if it causes damage to a property. Sometimes the victims can get the case settled without filing a lawsuit but if the damage is extensive enough to merit one then you should not hesitate. Besides payment of medical bills, the amount that is won can be used for therapy sessions to treat the emotional trauma caused by the attack.

When is suing the best option?

When you think you have a valid case against a dog owner, then you should not hesitate to file a lawsuit against him/her. Whether you were bitten by their dog or suffered from another loss due to them, a lawsuit will be worth your time.

A victim of a dog bite or attack can be susceptible to a number of damages emotional, financial and physical. Besides the ones we just discussed one of the losses that can be sued for is loss of income due the resulting disfiguring injury. If you fall victim to this then you can claim compensation from the owner of the dog and they will have to pay it through their insurance. However, you will have to provide them proof first and present it in a court of law in order to make your claim valid.

The extent of the liability and what can be sued for differs from state to state and depends on whether the victim sustained injuries or their property did. For example in some states the owner of the dog is usually find at fault but a few questions have to be answered first before they can be found liable.

This includes determining whether the victim was bitten while they were on the owner’s property, where they were bitten and whether the dog was provoked to attack.

Law varies state by state

All of these have a bearing on the case and will determine what the victim will get in return. Similarly, other states follow a different rule which is called a ‘one bit’ or negligence rule. In this the focus in on whether the owner of the dog knew or should have known their dog would attack and whether they took necessary precautions to prevent that from happening.

In other states, such as the District of Columbia, all dog owners are liable to a lawsuit if their dog attacked and injured someone or damaged property whether they are obedient or not or whether it is their first transgression or not.

Dog Bite? Call Attorney Javier Marcos

If you have been a victim of a dog attack, know someone who sustained injuries from one or had property damaged by one, then do not wait. Hire an attorney by calling Javier Marcos and Associates. They will be your legal representatives and will ensure you file a successful wrongful death claim. Call them by dialing 713-999-4444 / 1(800) 444-8118.



Injured? Call Attorney Javier Marcos

(713) 999-4444

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